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Tips for Losing Weight on a Budget : Community Message Boards
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paisleyhansen paisleyhansen
Wed, Jun 12, 2019 17:06
Tips for Losing Weight on a Budget
We all know that living a fit and healthy lifestyle is important, but getting in shape can be especially problematic for low-income households. Even if you have the desire to eat right and shed excess fat, you may not have the money to spend on healthier foods. There are a few ways you can tighten your belt and your budget at the same time.

Should You Ditch Breakfast?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but the word "breakfast" conjures up images of early morning meals . Many people force themselves to eat breakfast even when they're not hungry, which can derail your fitness and savings goals all at once. Instead, think of it simply as your first meal, and only eat it when you're hungry. If you wake up at 8:00 a.m., but you're not hungry until noon, eat your breakfast for lunch. This will save you on the amount of money you spend on food, while also helping you eat less.

Learn How to Buy Produce

Many people resist healthy eating, because they think it's much more expensive. A casual glance seems to confirm this suspicion, but that may have something to do with the produce you're buying. The most important rule in shopping for fresh produce is to only buy items that are in season. Secondly, try to look for items that are grown locally. These two tips will help you find cheaper and fresher produce. This means you'll be able to buy more of it instead of relying on pasta and other packaged foods.

Fortify Your Sides with Beans

Packages of dried beans are fairly cheap, especially when you can buy them in bulk. They also go with just about anything, so you can cook up a serving of dried beans and mix it with rice, pasta, or any sides you choose. This will make a heartier and healthier meal. When you add them to your regular sides, that side dish may last two or three more days, helping you stretch your grocery budget that much further. You can also use low-sodium canned beans, if you're not sure about cooking with dried beans.

Eat Cheaper Salads

When most people think of eating healthy, they tend to focus on salads. If you enjoy salads, that's great, but make sure you're not wasting the greens in your wallet. The prepackaged salad mixes are often twice as expensive as a full head of lettuce. You get less lettuce in the package, and packaged lettuce has gone through that extra manufacturing process. This means more time has elapsed between the time the lettuce was picked and the time it was placed on store shelves. Another advantage to buying fresh heads is that you can find a wider variety. Iceberg, romaine, and radicchio, which is also one of the common keto superfoods , are all readily available in most supermarkets.

Grow Your Own Produce

Seeds are cheap, especially when you stop to consider that the fruits and veggies you grow will supply more seeds for the next season. You don't own any land? That's no longer a problem. You can buy plastic storage bins that you can set on a balcony or porch. Best of all, planting your seeds in these bins means you can take them with you when you move. Every season, you'll have plenty of produce to fill your plates with healthy meals. That means you'll save hundreds on the groceries you would normally buy.

Ditch Frozen Potatoes

If you take an honest look, you're not getting many potatoes for the price of a bag of frozen potatoes, fries, or hash browns. You'll get more spuds for your buck if you buy freshly grown potatoes, and you'll have access to a wider variety. You can easily find russet potatoes, Idaho potatoes, yams, and many other types of potato, each one offering a different variety of vitamins and nutrients. Additionally, buying them in bulk will help you save a big bundle on your side dishes.

Losing the weight you need to shed isn't going to be easy under ideal circumstances. It can be especially problematic for those without the resources to spend on more expensive foods. However, following these tips, and seeking out more money-saving ideas, can help you achieve your fitness objectives.

isabelladom isabelladom
Wed, Jan 22, 2020 05:01
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