a day in the life of... an overeater!

35 F

to start off...

Monday, October 5, 2009 at 11:06 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Here begins my diet journey through adulthood..

I started off as a slender kid.. but that changed around 6th grade. I'll save everyone the stories about how I was teased, but the word 'oompa-loompa' was thrown around a lot.

In about 10th grade I became less seditary. that along with a growth spurt that shot me from 5'3" to 5'6" helped me lose weight. I am not shy about my numbers.. before 10th grade i weighed in at 192. after that year, i ranged between 140 and 150.

At 20 I became pregnant. During the duration of my pregnancy (which was a short one, but i'll get to that later) I never gained an ounce. I lost 3 pounds and at the time I delievered I had only gained back 2 of them. I weighed in at 159.

I delievered early due to extreme complications and unfortunately my baby girl did not make it. She was too small.

Soon after that, I lost my job. that on top of being depressed set me on the track of gaining 15 pounds in 3 months! my doctor prescribed anti-depressants, but Im not much of a medicine taker, so I weened myself off of that. I suppose I would have more energy and feel better, but I believe my state of mind is natural for what ive been through, and i'd like to work through it on my on.

so, today, at the start of my new lifestyle change, i weigh in at 185. I have gained nearly 30 pounds since march, when I had my baby. I am trying to put my life back on track, and that includes juggling a new fulltime job as well as going to school fulltime. I eat too much and find that the only type of exercise I can fit into my schedule is using my wii fit. My goal is to be at 150 again in 5-6 months. I would love to wear my bathing suit by next summer : )

Mary Ann 

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