Rice Krispie Potatoes

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filed under Side Dishes

Side Dishes
Recipe category: Side Dishes
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Difficulty: Easy
Calories: 292 (15% DV)
Fat: 13g (20% DV)
Carbohydrates: 26g (9% DV)
Protein: 19g (37% DV)
Description: delicious potatoes....fattening but so delicious
Tags: potatoes, cheesy potatoes
Ingredients:  Makes 10 servings

Tip: For nutritional information on all the ingredients in Rice Krispie Potatoes just click on each ingredient name. Then adjust the serving size for any Rice Krispie Potatoes ingredient with the serving size tool in the nutrition facts area to the right to see how you can save calories, carbs and more.
empty the whole container of sour cream into a bowl and your whole package of cheese and your whole pack not a 1/2 cup they just didnt have the right measurement but take a whole pack of ore-ida original cubes of hashbrowns and empty it into the bowl also and put about 1 tbsp of seasoned salt and your whole can of chicken noodle soup and empty that in. Melt a half a stick of butter of whatever kind you use and melt it and pour that into the mixture and mix that all togethor and put it in a casserole dish. Put that in the oven on 350 for 30 minutes.
While this is in the oven take your 6 cups of rice krispie cereal and put that in a bowl and take another half stick of butter and melt that and then mix it in with your cereal and let that sit until after the 30 minutes in the oven is up.
After the 30 minutes is up take your rice krispie and butter mixture and put it on top of the dish and put it back in the oven at 350 for 30 more minutes. After the 30 minutes is up it's time to ENJOY....

This dish is probably so fattening but if you have a dinner party or church dinner or some kind of event where you have to cook something, trust me this is something that will be the first to go. It's delicious and i'm a picky 18 year old eater so thats saying something lol.
My favorite thing to eat it with is Sweet Baby Ray's barbecue sauce UGH it's delicious...and this is making me hungry lol...ENJOY THIS RECIPE
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