On my way to a better, healthier me!

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What now!

Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 8:00 PM filed under Exercise & Fitness postings
So I got to the gym at about 9:45am.  Left about 10:15.  It was so intimidating.  The machines, the room the whole place.  Why is it that when we are armed and ready to start something new our brain throws in a little something called, "fear".
I started by handing the young man at the counter my gym pass, "did you log in?"  Uh, no, I did'nt even know I had to log in.  After that I went to my confort place, the treadmil.  I know how to use that.  How hard can it be?  Climb on, start the machine, start walking.  Wrong.  First when I got on the machine, I tripped.  Then I thought push the button to start. So I pushed, then I wanted to listen to my music on my blackberry plugged it in and no music.  Why?  I don't know.  I started to fumble with the cord to see if there was a logical reason why it was not working.  Nothing.  I will just walk without the music.  As I started to take the earphones off, the machine had me walking at a normal pace and my arms were going from one side to the other. Then I lifted my arm to take the earphones off, got my hair cought on the earphones! 
Enough walking, so I stopped the machine went over to where the weights were and started to look for a weight and bench I could use. The had them all over the place.  Machine after machine after machine.  I just want to do my workout plan.  I don't want to sign up with your personal trainer, I just want to use the plan.  But, how do the machines work?  I guess I have to ask tomorrow.  Tomorrow?  I have to go through this again?  Yes!  I can't let intimidation of starting something new scare me off.  So, tomorrow I will try it again.  Wish me luck!  I am really going to need it.

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