Transforming Jess

46 F , East Meadow ,NY
 Rating: 5.0/5.0

Took a week off

Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 1:40 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
I took a week off from working out and watching what I ate. Mostly it was because I was sick. Ugh! I still have a cough that just won't go away but am mostly better now. I went back to working out and watching what I ate today. It feels good to be back in the groove of things. I took my first spin class today. It was nuts! The instructor said it was a harder class than usual. So I don't feel bad about having trouble keeping up in the end. Tomorrow is weights, abs, and running. I haven't decided what weight exercises I'm going to do. I'll probably figure that out in the morning right before I go. But honestly I should figure that out tonight instead so after the kids get on the bus in the morning I can head straight for the gym. I have to remember to eat. That's one of my biggest problems lately. I just have no appetite. BUT the less you eat the less you lose. I know, it's a werid concept. But it's true. When you eat you burn fat quicker and don't lose muscle. I'm not saying go insane and eat 3000 calories a day. But keeping your calories up there helps, especially with exercises. I figured that with the way I work out I need to eat a minimum of 2000 calories a day. Optimal would be about 2400 calories a day. Yes, i can eat that much and still lose weight. I burn about 500 calories a day working out (though according to fitclick I burned 700 today). So even at 2400 calories at the end of the day I'm still in a calorie deficit. I need to eat that much though or I'll lose steam, motivation, and energy. Not to mention muscle.

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