49 F


Friday, October 15, 2010 at 7:13 PM filed under Exercise & Fitness postings
10-14-10 Thursday

Met Jodi at 8am.

Started off jumping rope with what she calls "the suck". "The Suck" is a two inch thick rope. It's heavy and it hurts.

Next she had me pick up two 70lb sandbags. Picking up the first one was no problem but getting the second one on my shoulders without dropping the first was a challenge. Jodi doesn't help either. Half the battle is getting them both on your shoulders. FINALLY I did and then we went for a walk. I'm carrying 140lbs around and she brings me down a hill and tru the woods. I didn't dare drop one because picking it back up would have been worse than walking around with them.

When we were done with that she had me get in plank on one of those big exercise balls. Then I had to walk on my hands across the room and roll the ball behind me with my feet. It was a bitch! Had to walk back with my feet up on the keg. THAT keg is cold! I have little bruises on the tops of me feet from that. One more cycle of that and we were on to the next thing.

She has 3 platforms. Kind of like the ones circus animals preform tricks on. One was about ankle high, one was knee high and the last was thigh high. I had to pick up two 16kg bells and step up then step down on each one. The were lined up in a row. Stepping down from the thigh high one did not work for me because I have a crappy knee that wouldn't allow me to step down. Getting up it I could do but down wouldn't work. So I just had to use the ankle and knee high ones for that drill.

Then she had me jump onto each one from the ground,feet together, no bells. Small to big and back. I think I did 4 cycles of this

Then I did double cleans with two 16kg kettle bells. Man that's hard!

Last she finished me off with low plank and my feet on the ball. She said I was to go until I couldn't. I did 90 seconds! I was struggling to eek out a minute two weeks ago! HOLY CRAP!

Half way thru my 30 days and I feel so good!


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