
31 M


Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 4:19 PM filed under Exercise & Fitness postings

In the modern economic-oriented environment, the majority of people neglect their physical state. Many jobs today require constant sitting at a table or any other actions that do not require any physical activity. In addition, the fast pace of life has made many citizens prefer eating in fast food restaurants, which is very unhealthy and causes obesity. However, there are also those people who care about their health and fitness level. After attending my last classes on wellness and health, I have understood that I need to change my lifestyle.

My weight is 128 pounds and my height is 5.10 feet. Before starting this class I had been thinking that I was very healthy, had no heart problems, and my fitness level was good. I do not usually go to the gym, maybe only one month each year to be better prepared for summer. I have a dog, and therefore, I walk every day. Before starting my classes I had been thinking that this everyday activity could replace a gym, and I did not need to spend my time on it. However, my opinion has changed now.

During our last two classes, we have been attending the gym. When I was going there on my own, it was slightly boring. However, during my course I always was with my friends, and it was a completely different experience; a couple of times we even had something like a competition. I think that such practice is very effective since it does not allow anyone to be lazy. Moreover, in order to improve my physical abilities outside the course I have changed the way I walk with my dog. I have increased my walking speed and even tried to run a little. After running I measured my pulse and discovered that I needed to improve my heart rhythm since it was nearly 150 bpm. As my new cardio routine, I did fast walk every day for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, 40 of which I was running up a hill. Although my heart rate was not critic, it still needed to be improved since I experienced dyspnea. In a gym, I have also discovered that my arms are not as strong as I want. Thus, I also tried to lift weights after running.

Having experienced new feelings and emotions in a gym with friends and having changed the way of walking with my dog, I have decided to make a plan for my training, with following FITT formula: frequency of gym attendance – three times per week, running – every day; intensity – 70 percent of maximal HR; the time for running and gym workout – approximately 1,5 hours; type of exercises – running, jumping rope, weightlifting (Mr. Martin's Health & Fitness Classes, n.d.). Also, I have different points I would like to achieve in my plan,

First of all, I want to find at least one partner and buy an annual gym membership. Therefore, such a purchase will make me do nothing else except attending it. Secondly, I am planning to improve my heart rate. My target is 110 beats per minute during my cardio sessions, unlike 150 that is now. To reach this goal I will run every day and try jumping rope. Thereby, I am also planning to reduce the percentage of fat in my body. Although my plan is only in its first stage, I have already experienced some improvements in my physical state. Every day I feel that my dyspnea decreases and I have more energy to run. I like this feeling very much since it makes me confident in myself.

All in all, I am really happy that I have discovered these sides of a healthy lifestyle that have been hidden from me before. I have learned that my physical state is no excellent as I thought earlier; I need and want to improve it. Also, I have discovered that my heart rate after running is relatively high and I have dyspnea. In addition, I am not satisfied with the strengths of my arms. Thus, my improvement process has already started. Currently, I am looking for a permanent training partner to attend gym together and I have also started to run while walking with my dog. At this stage, my plan is clear for me and I do not want to change it. I am confident in myself and think that I will become healthier and stronger.

This text is written by Charles Pfeifer who is a writing editor at

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