Turn the Beat Around

60 F

Friday, 2 September 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011 at 9:27 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I think that I could do better if I could just get a set routine. Not an easy thing when you have other people to consider. Being a newly wed has been hard on this ol' gal. Mostly because I've been alone for the last 11 years. And I've been an empty nester for about four years. So, I only had me to consider. I didn't have much of a social life and no one to be accountable to. That wasn't working b/c I only gained more weight. Now, I'm married to a wonderful man and have a growing circle of wonderful friends that I truly enjoy. Not to mention that I'm getting close to graduating from college (FINALLY). So, my life has expanded quite a bit.

So, the new object of this game is how do I stay focused on my health goals while continuing with my new life. Hmmm. Any one have any suggestions? I slacked off from journaling my intake simply out of guilt. I didn't want to see it. When I realized what I was doing, I got right back on that wagon and now have a death grip.  I'm also more conscious of how I'm spending my time. I'm going to stay off FB and the news sites. Too time consuming. I'm going to start being very careful to divide my time b/t my hubby, my studies, my housework, my regular workouts, and my horse training.

Getting the new horse and becoming friends with my neighbor, PJ (for privacy purposes), has been a HUGE blessing for me. I love going out and working with my mares, grooming them, and just playing with them. It's hard to understand unless you've been there. Needless to say, they have been instrumental in my rehab with my nerve damage and neck injuries. I have to be very careful. But PJ has taught me some really excellent skills that help me to maintain control at all times, even when the horses aren't.

I guess that's what I love about this new lifestyle. I'm slowly learning how to do a lot of things I couldn't again. It may take me longer, but I'll eventually get there. Sometimes, I have to go sit in the whirlpool for a bit afterwards. But I'm just grateful that I have a whirlpool. I guess I'm afraid that if I give in to the pain, it will win and I will simply be a useless bump on a log. I knew someone like that once. She was once so vivacious. She is slowly becoming so cynical and bitter b/c of her condition. I don't want that to be me. So, I'm going to get this weight off, keeping fighting to re-gain as much of my strength and dexterity as I can, and enjoy every second of my life in the process.

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